Welcome We Do The Number Crunching For You!

Flexible Services To Meet Your Needs.
Nothing More - Nothing Less.
We would like to welcome all our visitors. DM Personal Financial Organization Service is first and foremost a service oriented to helping those who need to know where they stand financially on a daily basis so they have the information they need to make better financial decisions when the need arises.

Not knowing where one stands financially can be frustrating and scary at times. Some folks don't have the time to keep their financial records in an organized manner. Some don't have the knowledge of how to do this. Others are unable to do this for various other reasons. Many can't afford the services of traditional accounting and bookkeeping firms.

Whether you are an Individual or a Small Home Based Business owner, you juggle many responsibilities. Keeping your family or managing and growing a business is a complicated process and maintaining your company’s books (although essential) is a tedious, time-consuming task that takes you attention away from ensuring your company’s sustainability and growth.

Those who have Cottage Industry or Small Home Based Businesses have unique aspects to them that often require a bit of a unique approach to their maintaining proper company books. Some companies don’t even want to work with those in the Cottage Industry or Small Home Based Business environment because they consider these businesses too small and too unique in their requirements. Most Cottage Industry or Small Home Based Business owners don’t need all the bells and whistle services the larger bookkeeping companies like to push because they make a great deal of money from them. Regardless if they are really needed or not.

Fortunately, DM Personal Financial Organization Service has the experience and expertise as well as the understanding to work with those in the Cottage Industry or Small Home Based Business arena. We work and live in the same community as do the businesses we assist. Those we work with we consider our friends and neighbors. As such our goal is to provide those we assist with exactly and only exactly what the business owner needs to effectively, efficiently and profitably run their company. 

Your business is as unique as you yourself are and for any bookkeeping system to work effectively, it must take into account those special and unique aspects of that business. We strive to customize a business’s books to maximize the business owner’s profitability and minimize their work when it comes to the bookkeeping side of their business and do this at a very affordable charge.

Call 928-215-0863 for a free consultation. We look forward to hearing from you.

Some may ask why we use a blog format as a website. The answer is simple. It helps us keep our costs down which means our service charges are less. We see those we help not as clients but as friends and neighbors. We want to provide a good and useful service to them and save them money at the same time. That's what friends and neighbors do.

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