Have The Information You Need To Make Better Financial Decisions
Unsure Of Your True Financial Situation?
We Take The Stress And Hassle Out Of Keeping Your Personal Financial Activities Records Organized.
DM Person Financial Organizations Service offers an altogether friendly, stress free local personal financial activity organization service to individuals and families. We take the hassle out of keeping track of your financial activities by:
- Arranging to come and collect your paperwork when you are ready to start and then at regular intervals to suit you thereafter.
- Then taking the information our clients provide and organizing it into a easily understandable format which allows our clients to understand where your money is going and make better financial decisions.
We take care of the detail work so you can spend more time on the other important aspects of your life.
Our client’s big picture. It’s something we look at every day. It’s the motivation behind everything we provide on behalf of a client. And it’s one of the reasons our clients look to us in the first place. You see, most of our clients don’t just come to us for our services. They come to us because they want someone to look at the big picture – not only where they personally stand financially at any given time in relationship to their personal goals. They want straight answers to some tough questions. What are we doing right? What’s not working? How can we progress? By looking at an individuals or family’s big picture in relationship to their goals, they get the information they need to make informed and better financial decisions about their future activities.
A Fresh Perspective:
So what else does stepping back to see the big picture offer a client? At DM Person Financial Organizations Service, we believe that true insight requires perspective; a perspective you can only get from someone one step removed from your situation. Just as objects may appear clearer from a distance than they do up close, an independent look at an individuals or family’s financial activities may more clearly identify problems or opportunities they may not see. So we look a little closer. Listen a little harder. Dig a little deeper. We get to know our clients which allows us to provide a level of personal service they are looking for. And from our vantage point, we see things that can help clients reach their personal and goals more effectively. This some times telling our clients things that they may not want to hear but they are things they need to hear.
The only product DM Person Financial Organizations Service has to sell is our good name. Our only work product is the service we provide our clients. And our only measure of success is the success of those individuals and families that we serve. So we take our work very seriously.
What Is Unique About Our System?
Our system of recording and tracking your financial activities:
- Insures that clients financial activity is recorded accurately to ensure no item is overlooked.
- This provides your accountant with a neat, tidy job to review at the year-end, thereby reducing his hours spent on your bookkeeping and possibly your accountant costs.
- Our system enables us to charge our clients a smaller fee so they save money.
- Our system provides quality control with the added reassurance of a superb service.
DM Personal Financial Organization Service nor anyone associated with us do not represent itself or themselves as financial advisor in any capacity. The service we provide is a Personal Financial Organization service for a very nominal and affordable fee. We do not in any way provide financial advise as to how or when a client should or should not conduct their financial activities. The accuracy of any Reports provided are based upon information provided by the client. DM Personal Financial Organization Service recommends that all of our clients avail themselves and seek the advise of a licensed Accountant, CPA, Financial Advisor or Attorney, if at all possible, when making significant financial decisions.
To learn more about our Personal Financial Organization Service,